Welcome! Ahlan wasahlaan! Wilkommen! Selamat Datang! hwan yung hap ni da!

sALAm..I purposely create this blog to share my artwork and my computer graphic work with evrybdy. As a freelance architectural illustrator,I am honored to have a chance to introduce my specialty.I'm specialized in interior,architectural and landscaping rendering and animation services.There are more collection of my architectural rendering for EVERYONE to explore. If you are interested in my services, please contact me by email: muhidz@gmail.com or muhidz@yahoo.co.uk
'rEASOnAble fEES ASsuReD'

I feel free to recieve comments from you..tQ

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rain forest park, Denai Alam for A+R Associates

1 comment:

ArtiNALife said...

uihh..cantek tuh muhidzan..xde org nak beli ka?...nak try maliklip utk buat sketches.bole akak tanye kan.ni haslina la (ingat x?)...hehehe